Maximilian Dietz, Mathias Dilger, Timm Wagner: PhD’s successfully completed

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Prof. Voigt is pleased to announce that Maximilian Dietz, Mathias Dilger and Timm Wagner, associated with the Chair of Industrial Management, successfully finished their PhD programs (Dr. rer. pol.) on April 19th and 20th. Maximilian Dietz has worked on the topic “Operational and Strategic KPI Systems for International Production Networks“. Mathias Dilger’s dissertation deals with the topic “Business Models and Trends in the Field of Germany’s Energy Transition – Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Insights with special Regards to Energy Co-operatives”. Timm Wagner’s dissertation is dedicated to the topic “Understanding the Perception and Communication of Technological Innovations”.

Prof. Voigt and his team congratulate them warmly on their achievements.