Guest lecture on “Creativity and Innovation at TeamBank AG”

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As a perfect finale of this semester’s Master course in “Organizational Creativity”, the Chair of Industrial Management had the pleasure to warmly welcome  Felix Schaffelhofer (Head of Strategy) and Dr. Michael Migendt (Team Strategy) from TeamBank AG. After Felix Schaffelhofer presented very vividly the challenges for innovation within the banking industry in the digital age, Dr. Michael Migendt gave interesting insights into the workspace, culture, and collaborations of TeamBank. In this way, our students received a very good impression of what it means to manage creativity and innovation in business practice.

Prof. Voigt and the whole team are very thankful for the interesting insights given in this guest lecture, especially because TeamBank is a best practice example for transforming their offices into creative workspaces – a fascinating case that we are currently also investigating from a scientific perspective, so stay tuned.