Successful Conclusion of “Sustainable Innovation” Module in the MBA Sustainability Management Program

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Last weekend, the “Sustainable Innovation” module within the MBA Sustainability Management program was successfully concluded! Over the course of four intensive weeks, the students dived into the topic sustainable innovation with Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, Hannah Altenburg and Lauren Anne Mackintosh. Teaching it for the first time ever, the focus of this course lies specifically on sustainable business model innovation and how to implement it within organizations.

A big highlight of the course was an inspiring guest lecture by Matthias Trost, CEO of Amperial Window Technologies – a great example of a high-tech innovation with a sustainable purpose. We warmly thank Matthias for taking the time to introduce us to the world of smart window foil and look forward to hearing more from AMPERIAL in the future!

The module concluded with four group presentations, where students demonstrated their in-depth analysis of different sustainable business model cases. Congratulations to all participants for their dedication and contributions to this course!