Siemens-FAU EMBA back in Nuremberg for the Accounting and Taxation Module

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From May 13th to 17th, the 10th class of the FAU-Siemens EMBA studies their module “Accounting and Taxation” with Prof. Devrimi Kaya at FAU WiSo in Nuremberg. Throughout the intensive week, the class of 2023-2025 will sharpen their

understanding of current developments in this field. Additionally, they will get to meet relevant guest speakers from Siemens, including Dr. Marco Ebel, Head of Accounting & Controlling Policies, Dr. Christian Kaeser, Global Head of Tax, and Karl Blaim, CFO of Siemens Mobility. Besides the class room, the group gets to enjoy warmer temperatures in the city of Nuremberg. On Monday, Prof. Kai-Ingo Voigt and Sylvia Korell started the week with an after work get-together – just three minutes from WiSo campus.

We are happy to have the class back in Nuremberg in June and sure that they will enjoy the next interesting module “Controlling”!