FAU-Siemens-Collaboration boosts into a new Dimension

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On July 21st, Siemens CEO Dr. Roland Busch handed over the symbolic key to more than 100.000 square meters of the Siemens Campus in Erlangen to FAU President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger. In the near future, high-impact research departments of FAU, working on the fields Engineering, Technology and Digitalization, will drive their scientific projects in this new and inspiring environment. Since FAU is an important partner within the Siemens Innovation Ecosystem, the close co-location to Siemens will enhance and foster our research significantly!

Prof. Voigt was pleased to meet the former Siemens CEO Prof. Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer as well as the present Siemens CEO Dr. Roland Busch – both highly valued lecturers at our Chair. The presence of the Bavarian Prime Minister as well as further Ministers underlined the importance of this event for our FAU and the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region.

(Photos: Kai-Ingo Voigt, FAU)