Special Issue on Blockchain in an Industrial Context Published in the “Journal of Technology and Innovation Management“

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The Chair of Industrial Management proudly announces that our special issue “Why You Should Care about Blockchain: The Groundbreaking Impact on Business Models, Whole Organizations, and the Basic Principle of the Entire Economy“ has been published in the Journal of Technology and Innovation Management (JTIM). The editorial team comprises Dr. Robert Mayr (DATEV CEO), Dr. Tobias T. Eismann (Siemens AG), Dr. Martin Meinel (Schaeffler AG), Oscar Pakos, and Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt. We included five articles that demonstrate the breadth and diversity of perspectives for approaching this contemporary and interesting topic. All articles have arisen in research projects with students and provide insights for a better understanding of blockchain technology itself, application fields for blockchain, and already existing blockchain use cases in companies.

We hope you enjoy reading! You find the articles attached:

  1. Why You Should Care about Blockchain: The Groundbreaking Impact on Business Models, Whole Organizations, and the Basic Principle of the Entire Economy
  2. Blockchain Technology—Short-term Hype or Foundation for Revolutionary Business Models?
  3. Blockchain 2.0—The Impact of Smart Contracts on Intermediaries
  4. Blockchain Meets Democracy 2.0
  5. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization Breaks Up Economic Boundaries—New Organizational Possibilities through Blockchain Innovation
  6. A Thief’s End—Potentials of Blockchain as Anti-fraud Protection Using a Software Service Company as an Example