Honorary Professor Heinrich v. Pierer at Maischberger

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On Wednesday, 17th of April, Prof. Heinrich v. Pierer, Honorary Professor at our Chair of Industrial Management, was kindly invited to famous TV host “Maischberger” to reflect on Germany’s foreign policy, especially in China. In an amusing and highly informative conversation, Prof. v. Pierer shared his decades of economic and political experience in China, which he gained as the long-standing CEO of Siemens, one of Germany’s largest industrial companies.

We are honored and proud that Prof. v. Pierer shares his knowledge since almost 20 years with our students at FAU (and us ) in a joint seminar and look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration.

If you are interested, feel free to have a look at the ~20 minutes in the ARD media library (starting in minute 54): https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/maischberger/maischberger-am-17-04-2024/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL21lbnNjaGVuIGJlaSBtYWlzY2hiZXJnZXIvMjAyNC0wNC0xN18yMy0wMC1NRVNa

Source: ARD